‘Uzlah or loneliness means coming back to yourselves to protect yourselves from the world, from destruction, and anything which ...
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Jumat, 26 Juni 2015
Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

We are now discussing a value which is so essential but it is very badly understood by many of Muslims and also (of course) by man...
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Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Here we are, talking about one of the most important values that we have as Muslims. It’s not only a value for a principle and...
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Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

Walaqad karramnaa banii aadama ; "We have honoured the sons of Adam" (QS. 17:70). In the other words, "We gave dignity ...
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We will start our journey through all these days by taking a deep though about the values of Islam (that we know which one of the most im...
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