Saat ini Abah masih berada dalam Bus Budiman yang meluncur dari Ciamis ke Tangerang. Waktu saat catatan ini mulai Abah buat, baru menu...
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Senin, 24 Juli 2017

A Letter to My Little Girl #2: Penulisan Nama
"Shahibatul Izzah", Kutulis namamu cukup dengan cara seperti itu. Tujuannya agar namamu dapat dengan mudah ditulis oleh orang ...
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Jumat, 21 Juli 2017

Surat Cinta untuk Putriku, Hafshah Shahibatul Izzah
Nak, kuhadiahkan nama ini untukmu dengan segenap harapan agar engkau bisa meneladani segala kebaikan dan keutamaan yang ada pada d...
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Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

While Drinking Coffee
Hanging out with friends who have the same fate like you can reduce the burden in your mind. Here is our story when we were in colleg...
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Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

‘Uzlah or loneliness means coming back to yourselves to protect yourselves from the world, from destruction, and anything which ...
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Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

We are now discussing a value which is so essential but it is very badly understood by many of Muslims and also (of course) by man...
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Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Here we are, talking about one of the most important values that we have as Muslims. It’s not only a value for a principle and...
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